The main goal of the Information Technologies class is to help raise individuals who are able to adapt to evolving technology, keep themselves up-to-date and take their place in the information society. We aim to enable our students to use technology in an active, creative and versatile way. To this end, our students learn to use information technologies as a tool in all fields and carry this habit into their daily lives as well.
Students receive one hour of information technologies education in primary school grades 1 to 4. The class follows a student-centric approach, and the course language is Turkish.
IT classes at the primary school level aim to enable students to:
• Gain insights into technology, and to use it effectively and efficiently,
• Understand the uses of technological devices in daily life,
• Learn about basic computer hardware,
• Understand the operating principles of computers, machines and robots,
• Use the Internet in an age-appropriate manner and access accurate information,
• Adhere to the principles of digital citizenship and communicate using technology,
• Become computer literate through educational games,
• Use visual, word processing, presentation, spreadsheet software appropriately,
• Apply design-thinking and develop products using various software,
• Acquire analytic and creative thinking skills,
• Gain algorithmic thinking and problem solving skills through individual activities,
• Develop projects using block-based and simple text-based programming,
• Learn basic coding through robotic materials and grade-appropriate applications.
The Information Technologies classes follow a computer-assisted learning and interdisciplinary study approach using digital resources for topics that will be covered through the academic year, as identified by a joint education plan developed with participation from classroom teachers. The classes take place in the Mac Laboratory with a MacOS personal computer for each student, and the PC Laboratory equipped with Windows-based computers. In addition, Maker Kids Club, Digital Game Development Club and Lego Robotics Club activities takes place during the two club hours each week, enabling students learn about the importance of creating and producing with technology via various activities. Information Technologies Events for Preschool Students:
• Europe Code Week
• Hour of Code
• Safer Internet Day
• Information Technology Week
• Scratch Day
• TED Rönesans College School Maker Faire
• MakeX Robot Tournament
• Code Cup Turkey
• jr FLL
Students receive one hour of information technologies education in primary school grades 1 to 4. The class follows a student-centric approach, and the course language is Turkish.
IT classes at the primary school level aim to enable students to:
• Gain insights into technology, and to use it effectively and efficiently,
• Understand the uses of technological devices in daily life,
• Learn about basic computer hardware,
• Understand the operating principles of computers, machines and robots,
• Use the Internet in an age-appropriate manner and access accurate information,
• Adhere to the principles of digital citizenship and communicate using technology,
• Become computer literate through educational games,
• Use visual, word processing, presentation, spreadsheet software appropriately,
• Apply design-thinking and develop products using various software,
• Acquire analytic and creative thinking skills,
• Gain algorithmic thinking and problem solving skills through individual activities,
• Develop projects using block-based and simple text-based programming,
• Learn basic coding through robotic materials and grade-appropriate applications.
The Information Technologies classes follow a computer-assisted learning and interdisciplinary study approach using digital resources for topics that will be covered through the academic year, as identified by a joint education plan developed with participation from classroom teachers. The classes take place in the Mac Laboratory with a MacOS personal computer for each student, and the PC Laboratory equipped with Windows-based computers. In addition, Maker Kids Club, Digital Game Development Club and Lego Robotics Club activities takes place during the two club hours each week, enabling students learn about the importance of creating and producing with technology via various activities. Information Technologies Events for Preschool Students:
• Europe Code Week
• Hour of Code
• Safer Internet Day
• Information Technology Week
• Scratch Day
• TED Rönesans College School Maker Faire
• MakeX Robot Tournament
• Code Cup Turkey
• jr FLL