TED Rönesans College categorizes its risks into three groups, namely accident and injury risks, external risks and natural risks, and has taken necessary precautions accordingly. In order to minimize the risk of accidents and injury that students may be exposed to in daily school life, the school has designed living spaces in line with the principles of safety, selecting materials that are suitable for the safety of its students.
Monitors supervise indoor and outdoor areas of the school during recesses. In case of mild injuries (falls, hits, bruises) and other accidents, school physician and/or nurse is tasked with responding to the incident and contacting the parents of the students involved.
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law no. 6331, TED Rönesans College has taken necessary precautions against natural disasters as well as earthquakes, which has been the subject of growing public awareness in the last decade. These precautions include trainings, announced and unannounced drills and other awareness raising activities aimed at students, educators and other staff.
Security services at school premises are provided by Securitas, a Ministry of the Interior licensed private security contractor. There are 18 security personnel at the school, working 24 hours in 8/16 shifts. All halls, entrances and outdoor areas of the school are under 24-hour video surveillance.
Securitas Security
Fikret Özdemir
Tel : 0216 493 24 93
Extension: 3802
E-mail : fikret.ozdemir@securitas.com.tr
Monitors supervise indoor and outdoor areas of the school during recesses. In case of mild injuries (falls, hits, bruises) and other accidents, school physician and/or nurse is tasked with responding to the incident and contacting the parents of the students involved.
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law no. 6331, TED Rönesans College has taken necessary precautions against natural disasters as well as earthquakes, which has been the subject of growing public awareness in the last decade. These precautions include trainings, announced and unannounced drills and other awareness raising activities aimed at students, educators and other staff.
Security services at school premises are provided by Securitas, a Ministry of the Interior licensed private security contractor. There are 18 security personnel at the school, working 24 hours in 8/16 shifts. All halls, entrances and outdoor areas of the school are under 24-hour video surveillance.
Securitas Security
Fikret Özdemir
Tel : 0216 493 24 93
Extension: 3802
E-mail : fikret.ozdemir@securitas.com.tr