The goal of physical education at TED Rönesans College is to raise individuals who care about their physical development as much as cognitive, and embrace lifelong participation in physical activities. To this end, the school provides fully-equipped sports facilities, enabling students to grow into individuals who:
• Know the purpose of sports,
• Demonstrate the sport-specific psycho-motor skills,
• Build a bridge between life and sports,
• Define winning and losing,
• Define and demonstrate spectatorship,
• Embrace an athletic personality,
• Socialize, use their time in a positive and effective way,
• Embrace different sports cultures,
• Carry out sports organizations,
• Achieve physical, emotional and social maturity.
The school’s physical education curriculum includes:
1. Physical Education and Sports
2. Physical Development
3. Educational Games
4. Organization Exercises
5. Athletics
6. Gymnastics
7. Volleyball
8. Basketball
9. Badminton
10. Tennis
11. Table Tennis
12. Physical Performance Tests
Physical education classes for preschool students involve games and physical activities focusing on basic skills. Also as part of physical education, preschool students are directed to gymnastics team for auditions. Students who enter the team take part in weekly practices after school.
• Know the purpose of sports,
• Demonstrate the sport-specific psycho-motor skills,
• Build a bridge between life and sports,
• Define winning and losing,
• Define and demonstrate spectatorship,
• Embrace an athletic personality,
• Socialize, use their time in a positive and effective way,
• Embrace different sports cultures,
• Carry out sports organizations,
• Achieve physical, emotional and social maturity.
The school’s physical education curriculum includes:
1. Physical Education and Sports
2. Physical Development
3. Educational Games
4. Organization Exercises
5. Athletics
6. Gymnastics
7. Volleyball
8. Basketball
9. Badminton
10. Tennis
11. Table Tennis
12. Physical Performance Tests
Physical education classes for preschool students involve games and physical activities focusing on basic skills. Also as part of physical education, preschool students are directed to gymnastics team for auditions. Students who enter the team take part in weekly practices after school.