Üretirsen Çoğaltırsın-Sürdürülebilirlik
17 Aralık 2021
Geleceğin TED’lilerini Bekliyoruz!
21 Aralık 2021
TED Rönesans Koleji BTEC Business öğrencileri okullarının işleyişini idari sorumlularından dinledi!
Lise 10. sınıf BTEC (Mesleki Yeterlilik Programı) Business öğrencileri, TED Rönesans Koleji’nin idari sorumluları ile bir araya gelerek kurumdaki rollerini, iş süreçlerini ve bölümlerin birbirine bağlı çalışma prensiplerini dinledi. Öğrencilerimiz, detayları sorularıyla bir kurumun genel yönetim süreçlerini öğrenme fırsatı buldu.
TED Rönesans College BTEC Business students learning about their school’s operation from the administrative staff!
High school 10th grade BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) Business students met with the administrative officers of TED Rönesans College to discuss their roles in the institution, their business processes and the principles of cooperation between the departments. Our students had the opportunity to learn about the general management processes of an institution with their insightful questions.
TED Rönesans College BTEC Business students learning about their school’s operation from the administrative staff!
High school 10th grade BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) Business students met with the administrative officers of TED Rönesans College to discuss their roles in the institution, their business processes and the principles of cooperation between the departments. Our students had the opportunity to learn about the general management processes of an institution with their insightful questions.